I am happy to announce that I am now able to offer the modified Adult Attachment Interview to find your attachment style. 


What is attachment style you ask?

Attachment style refers to how the bonds you had with your early caregivers influence your internal working model of intimate relationships.  For more on Attachment Theory and a break down of the main attachment styles please read my article about attachment!

What is the modified Adult Attachment Interview and how will it help me?

Gustav Klimt, Mother and Child

The original AAI

Mary Main developed the original Adult Attachment Interview (AAI). It is an evidence-based tool to determine attachment styles.

The down side to this extensive version is that it requires a lengthy interview process and, as I understand, around two weeks of work to score it well. This makes it out of reach for most clinicians and clients.

Modified AAI

Dan Siegel is amongst those who support using a shorter version of this great tool to make it more widely available in clinical use.

The modified AAI that I am trained to use is an interview tool developed by Social Worker Annette Kussin in Toronto. Annette is trained in the original AAI.

The interview takes approximately an hour. Following that, I score it over a few hours (charging the same hourly rate). Finally we meet to go over the results in the next therapy appointment.

How it helps

Stepping stones

The results will likely give you insight and clarity on relationship dynamics.They will also guide our work together as I use specific strategies and interventions for each attachment category. Ultimately the goal is that you develop earned security. Earned security is a secure style in adulthood after an insecure one in childhood. A secure attachment style is generally linked with feeling more safe, stable and satisfied in intimate relationships.

Relevant Training

I completed the Advanced Training in Adult Attachment at Sick Kids Hospital, Toronto. My teacher was Annette Kussin and I’m currently in a supervision group with her to hone my skills.

Why not just use an online quiz?

You may have done an online quiz or have a sense of your style from descriptions of behaviour.  These can offer insight and there are definitely good books to help build your understanding of Attachment Theory and your style. That said, the attachment style quizes test your conscious attachment style, rather than your unconscious style. The AAI is designed to get at your unconscious Internal Working Model that was initially established ages 0-6.

Get in touch by email if you are interested.


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