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Happy Pride month!

Let’s celebrate the diversity that is among us here in Hamilton and all over this beautiful earth. Let’s celebrate harder as some people, past and present aren’t able to.

This month we’re reminded of the hardships that many in the queer community locally face, as well as the hardships that many queer communities across the globe still face.


Here are some resources I’m aware of in Hamilton. This is just a beginning, so please add others in the comments.

Spectrum Hamilton

Hamilton Family Health Team (great list of local links here)

The Well (peer-support)



Aids Network

Queer-friendly events or spaces

Pride Hamilton

Adam and Steve

Queer Outta Hamilton

Hearty Hooligan


If you, like me, would like to be a better ally to queer folks, check out This is What a Good LGBTQ+ ally looks like.

“In the end, being a good queer ally starts with stepping back and listening to the people you want to help. LGBTQ people know best how to liberate themselves. By truly centering their voices, non-queer folks can provide a form of allyship much more radical than “sunshine on the street at the parade” and choosing to “be GLAAD” instead of “mad,” as Swift says.” Ana Valens, Vox