Has Hallowe'en has become a bit stale? Typically a bit too full of plastic jack o’lanterns and skulls, over-produced costumes and absurd amounts of candy? For me, yes to both. This Covid…
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In the last year I've had my first few client presenting with what boils down at least in significant part, to climate change anxiety. Source: 3blmedia.com Clients have been presenting…
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Guest post by Lisa Voth, Somatic Therapist in Vancouver. Art by Lorenzo Bosi I have a theory that there are 2 kinds of loneliness. I know this is false because…
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Concerned about the holidays? You're not alone. Clients are coming in thick and fast with a range of holiday concerns these days. It's a topic I've written extensively on, so here's…
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Many people come to see me because they feel socially-awkward and don't enjoy it. They want more connection, they want more confidence, and they want to feel at ease. Who can blame them?…
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An unforeseen, recently-acquired hobby of mine is clowning. I've attended a few trainings with my now esteemed teacher Helen Donnelly in Toronto. Aside from being a skilled theatrical clown, she is also…
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Here is a super interview with Simon Sinek from an episode of Inside Quest about the challenges that Millennials face. These are the folks born roughly 1984-2000. I'm interested to hear what…
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How do we change habitual unhelpful reactions? Or in simpler language, how do we change habits? I've been exploring possible approaches in a hands-on fashion. Here's a story of (momentary) personal…
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Emotional eating, sometimes known as stress eating, can be defined as using food to cope with life circumstances or feelings, typically difficult ones. Sometimes the terms emotional eating and binge eating are…
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Like many I've been curious about my dreams for years. My mother was a Jungian Analyst and growing up we talked about dreams a lot at the breakfast table. She often annoyed me because…
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